Оземпик — это инновационное лекарственное средство, предназначенное для лечения диабета второго типа. Действующее вещество семаглутид помогает регулировать уровень сахара в крови и улучшает показатели гликированного гемоглобина.
Russian-English Dictionary of Verbal Collocations, Morton Benson, Evelyn Benson
To browse Academia. All languages are characterized by the regular cooccurrence of certain words; for example, we say in English, tall building but high mountain. These recurrent combinations or collocations are peculiar to each individual language and cannot be predicted by a learner of that language. There are thousands of striking collocational differences between English and Russian, which are of vital importance to language learners and translators. Whenever possible, corresponding English collocations are used in the translations.
It is really very common to notice skin changes when weather changes. We need to make some changes in the way we eat to manage healthy skin. One can see there is lot of acne, whited and blackheads as the weather becomes warm. There is extra production of sebum from the sebaceous glands which leads to pimples or break out as weather becomes hotter. We generally eat food which is rich in fats and oil in winter like laddu, Pinni, gajak, dry fruits and parathas.
Good coffee shops revolve around perfecting the art of coffee for their customers. This requires a lot of knowledge and effort — from cultivation to packaging, every step of the coffee production chain influences its final taste profile. However, coffee shops should do more than create excellent beverages. Great coffee shops provide a relaxing, inviting atmosphere — the best coffee shops are works of art in of themselves. Try one of the bagels and schmears for the perfect portable breakfast or filling brunch, or pick up a fresh salad or a bowl of matzo ball soup for an energizing lunch.
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